Hi, it's been a while but we are coming back with great news - we've build fuselage. Have a look how we did it.
We prepared molds for putting a lay up inside. The roughness of surface of molds is very important, thus we worked on it with waterproof sand paper and polishing paste. Right before laminating we covered surfacw with mold release wax and finally after all this proceedings we started with the best part of it - laminating. Have a look...
Fig.1 marking places for access doors
Fig. 4 Laying up carbon fabrics

Fig.5 Lay up ready and waiting for core

Fig.6 Setting a vaccum
Fig. 7 Under pressure
Fig.8 Out of mold
We prepared molds for putting a lay up inside. The roughness of surface of molds is very important, thus we worked on it with waterproof sand paper and polishing paste. Right before laminating we covered surfacw with mold release wax and finally after all this proceedings we started with the best part of it - laminating. Have a look...
Fig.1 marking places for access doors
Fig.5 Lay up ready and waiting for core
Fig.6 Setting a vaccum
Fig. 7 Under pressure
Fig.8 Out of mold
Fig.9 With frames and empty place for "insert" for catapult launch fitting